Wednesday, October 31, 2007

fractured nose

Ya i was waiting all day for the fun time I would have at my softball game!
I went and played catcher like I do every game. I kept missing the ball it would go passed me and so I decided to squat down then i was catching everything.... except the one dreaded green ball that hit me right between the eyes!! I was knocked back and everything went black for a sec. I played the rest of the game . Then our next game I played in pain . We lost both games sheesh! well then I sat at the hospital for 4 hours while we waited for the freakin xray tech to get off her can! There was nobody there good greif!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Well today I called in sick! Hhahhah!
I woke up and walked into my youngest girls room and witnessed a grand surprize, there room was clean!
So I decided to stay home and give my house a good cleaning!
I am so blessed that I am able to stay home when and if I choose because my husband has always supported us and we are never in need.

So here goes im off to clean!!! I like my friend Lisa Love to check out the Old Mr pee pee right before he gets in the shower..Bill however tries to run and hide him from me!